Mentors Profile of POT Course


Retired Principal, Department of Employment and Training, Tamil Nadu
He has 32 years vast experience in various capacities as Junior Training Officer, Assistant Training Officer, Training Officer, Principal/ Asst. Director (APP.ACT) from 1978- 2010.

He has attended the following training programmes

One year Crafts Men Instructor Training in C.T.I Chennai. (1979-1980)

  • Fellowship training on Media Based Instruction at Federal Republic of Germany
  • Development and Application of Audio – visual aids in CSTARI, Kolkatta.
  • Teaching Technique training in Staff Training Institute at Chennai.
  • AVTS training at Mumbai A.T.I and various Industries.
  • Test item Writing Training and Questioning Technique in NIMI by German Expert.
  • Surveying & Evaluating Apprentice Training programme at CSTARI, Kolkatta.
  • Advanced Training in Electrical & Electronics Equipment’s in A.T.I. Hyderabad.
He has Received the state level Dr. Radhakrishnan award for the best Training Officer.

He has Conducted a number of Seminars/ Trainers Training Programmes for ITI Instructors on (1) 'Training Methodology' (2) Testing and Evaluation and (3) 'Principle of Teaching' at various Centres while in service.

Has Developed curriculum in Electrical sector for International Labour Organisation (ILO) and has Co ordinated for development of 14 Non NIMI trade books (SCVT) in Tamil for DET _ Tamilnadu.

Activities in NIMI (National Instructional Media Institute)

Associated with NIMI activities since 1987 (31 years) and has actively involved in the development of the following books of NIMI.

Electrician I&II year books Practical, Theory, Assignment and Wireman I& II year books Instructor's Guide, wall charts and transparencies Centre of Excellence (COE) books in Electrical sector (Basic trade and Advance Modules).

Sector Mentor Council (SMC) syllabus (2014) books for all 4 semesters in Electrician and Wireman trades.

Employability Skills books for I& II semester

NSQF - level-5 Electrician trade books for One of the Member for preparation of 'Principles of Teaching' manual.

Conducted orientation classes for development of books and preparation questions.

Translated into Tamil I Semester Electrician Theory (SMC)